A 2D pixel horror game made in 4 days for Brackeys Jam.
Team size: 1
Project duration: 4 days
What’s right:
- Used Unity shader to built a unique art style and could be reused for other projects
- Get lots of positive comments, also YouTube videos uploaded by players
- Good game feeling as a pixel-art horror game
What’s wrong:
- Bad sound design
- Had many plans for further development but end up with no progress
Lessons learned
- Play-test is important, but play-test by the designer himself is a terrible idea, especially for horror games
- Long-term projects require iteration, playtest and progress management, but it’s really hard for individual development
Turn on the Lights is a game made individually in 4 days for Community Jam. It made up to top 20 popular games on itch.io for 3 days. It’s is a 2D horror game published on itch.io with multiple playthrough videos uploaded by players in comments.
I built a screen tone pixel-art style for this game. The banner of this website is an example rendered with the same shader.

Sounds, program and sprites of this game are all made by myself originally.