Taichi is a high-performance language for computer graphics, and the creator of Taichi set up a tutorial course for it. This post is a record of some simple notes of Taichi.
Tutorial program explained
import taichi as ti
#arch=ti.cpu, ti.gpu, ti.cuda, ti.opengl
n = 320
pixels = ti.field(dtype=float, shape=(n*2, n))
# a = ti.field(dtype=ti.f32, shape=(42, 63))
# tensor of 42*63 scalars
# b = ti.Vector.field(3, dtype=ti.f32, shape=4)
# tensor of 4 * 3D vectors
# c = ti.Matrix.field(2, 2, dtype=ti.f32, shape=(3, 5))
# tensor of 3*5 2*2 matrices
# loss = ti.var(dtype=ti.f32, shape=())
# (0-D) tensor which is a single scalar
# b[2] = [3, 4, 5]
# loss[None] = 3
# ti.Matrix can only be used for small matrix like 4*4
#Large matrix should be used as 2D tensor of scalars
# ti.Vector is the same as ti.Matrix but has only one column.
# Now all var, vector and matrix is updated to field
# Taichi function
# Can only be called by Taichi kernels and other Taichi functions
# Up to only one return argument
def complex_sqr(z):
return ti.Vector([z[0]**2-z[1]**2, z[1]*z[0]*2])
# In taichi scope you can declear a vector
# by passing parameters as a list
# Taichi kernel, complied just-in-time, statically-typed
# lexically-scoped, parallel and differentiable
# Kernel arguments and return values must be type-hinted
# Kernel can't be called by kernel
def paint(t: float):
for i, j in pixels: # automatically parallelized for all i, j
#struct-for loop, iterate over all tensor coordinates
c = ti.Vector([-0.8, ti.cos(t)*0.2])
z = ti.Vector([i/n-1, j/n-0.5]) * 2
iterations = 0
while z.norm() < 20 and iterations < 50:
z = complex_sqr(z)+c
iterations += 1
pixels[i, j] = 1-iterations*0.02
gui = ti.GUI("Julia Set", res=(n*2, n))
for i in range(1000000):
# Launch kernels. After this, tensors can only be accessed
# Any allocation is not allowed after first launch
Useful operations
Math operations:
ti.(sin, cos, asin, acos, atan2(x, y), cast(x, data_type))
ti.(sqrt, floor, ceil, inv, tan, tanh, exp, log, random(data_type))
abs, int, float, max(x, y, ...), min(x, y, ...), x**y, x/b, x//b
Matrix operations:
Differentiate element-wise product * and matrix product @.
A.(transpose, inverse, trace, determinant(type), normalized, cast(type))
R, S = ti.polar_decompose(A, ti.f32)
U, sigma, V = ti.svd(A, ti.f32) # sigma is a 3*3 diagonal matrix
ti.sin(A)/cos(A) #element-wise
Note: polar decomposition
A matrix $A\in \mathbb{C}^{m\times n}$ with $m>n$, polar decomposition is a factorization $A=UH$ where $U\in \mathbb{C}^{m\times n}$ has orthonormal columns and $H\in\mathbb{n\times n}$ is Hermitian positive semidefinite. This composition is a generalization of the polar representation $z=re^{i\theta}$ of a complex number, where $H$ corresponds to $r\geq 0$ and $U$ to $e^{i\theta}$. When A is real, H is symmetrix positive semidefinite. When m=n, U is a square unitary matrix.
Note: Singular Value Decomposition
Parallel for-loops
For loops in Taichi have two forms:
- Range-for loops, automatically parallelized when used at the outermost scope.
- Struct-for loops, iterates over (sparse) tensor elements.
Atomic operations
An atomic operation is an operation that will always be executed without any other process being able to read or change state that is read or changed during the operation
total = ti.field(dt = ti.f32, shape = ())
def sum():
for i in x:
# Approach 1
total[None] += x[i]
# Correct, Automatically atomic
#Approach 2
ti.atomic_add(total[None], x[i])
# Correct
#Approach 3
total[None] = total[None] + x[i]
# Wrong, not atomic, may cause error in parralized calculation
Phases of a Taichi Program
- Initialization: ti.init(…)
- Tensor allocation: ti.field, ti.Vector.field, ti.Matrix.field
- Computation (launch kernels, access tensors in Python-scope)
- Optional: restart the Taichi system (clear memory, destory all variables and kernels): ti.reset()
For now, after the first kernel launch or tensor access in Python-scope, no more tensor allocation is allowed.
Debug Mod
ti.init(debug = True, arch = ti.cpu)
CPU only, much slower.
Export Mp4 and GIF
ti.imwrite(img, filename)
ti video -f 24
ti video -f 60
ti gif -i input.mp4