by Yoharol


  • blog


  • note

This file is about basic knowledges about Org-Mode,and application,GTD,for example.

official tutorial: http://home.fnal.gov/~neilsen/notebook/orgExamples/org-examples.html

tutorial on CSDN:http://www.cnblogs.com/qlwy/archive/2012/06/15/2551034.html

Table of Contents

  1. Basic: titles,format,etc.
    1. format
    2. list
    3. key binding
    4. insert code
    5. table
    6. cut line
    7. tag
    8. export
  2. Getting-things-Done
    1. key binding
    2. set priority
    3. follow task
    4. objective step by step
    5. search
    6. date setting
    7. global TODO list
    8. keys about time(Diary)
    9. add key

Basic: titles,format,etc.


”#+TITLE:” edit title \#+AUTHOR: \#+EMAIL “some words” italic “some words” bold “some words” delete line “some words_” _ _ underline H2 subscript H2 superscript git


  1. first
  2. second(use M-RET)
    • something
    • something
    • yeah
  3. third
    • something
    • something


key binding

C-c C-n/p Move to nect/previous subtitle
C-c C-f/b Move between subtitles in same layer
C-c C-u Move to previous layer
Shift(S)-TAB open/close all subtitles layer by layer

M-left/right move the current subtitle to previous/next layer
M-up/down move the current subtitle up/down
plus S: move the whole tree

insert code

‘<s TAB’:

;;scartch code


c :type, for example:python
(emacs lisp is default; M-x org-edit-src-code can edit it)
-n line number
-h 7 set height to 7
-w 40 set width to 40

#include <iostream>

void main()
  std::cout<<"Hello bitch~";



to be continued…

cut line

(not less than five)


C-c C-q : set a tag to current subtitle
to be continued…


C-c C-e a :export as text


key binding

first, review some keys:

C-c C-n/p Move to nect/previous subtitle
C-c C-f/b Move between subtitles in same layer
C-c C-u Move to previous layer
Shift(S)-TAB open/close all subtitles layer by layer

M-left/right move the current subtitle to previous/next layer
M-up/down move the current subtitle up/down
plus S: move the whole tree

keys about GTD:
C-c C-t add tag
S-left/right change tag
C-c C-x i check list for all tasks

\* Basic: titles,format,etc.      
\*\* format      
\*\* list      
\*\* key binding      
\*\* insert code      
\*\* table      
\*\* cut line      
\*\* tag      
\*\* export      
\* Getting-things-Done      
\*\* key binding      
\*\* set priority      
\*\* follow task      
\*\* objective step by step      
\*\* search      
\*\* date setting      
\*\* global TODO list      
\*\* keys about time(Diary)      
\*\* add key      

set priority


follow task

when you change the competition of an objective, the primary objective complete will change also.
/* OBJ1 [%]
/** OBJ2 [/]
/*** OBJ3…
[%]: percentage
[/]: fraction

objective step by step

  • [-] step1 [50%]
    • step1.01
    • step1.02

how to do:
input”- [ ] … [/]or[%]
then press: M-S-RET,M-R

C-c C-c to change secondary objective complete.

C-c / :before date,todo…search by tags

date setting

C-c . set a timestamp for an object
C-c ! [2017-06-29 Thu 15:30]Just a timestamp
S-left/right change date
S-up/down change time
connect two timestamps with “–” :<2017-07-24 Mon>–<2017-07-27 Thu>
(C-c . twice also OK)
C-c > check calendar
<2017-07-18 Tue 16:20 +1w> +1 w:every week

C-c C-s set startline
C-c C-d set deadline

global TODO list

C-c a
C-c C-x i

keys about time(Diary)

C-c C-x - insert current timer value with description
C-c C-x . insert current time value
C-c C-x 0 start to timing from 0
C-c C-x ; start a timer

add key

C-c a check agenda,list all todo entries and serach for keywords.
C-c b switch between org buffers.